Available Services
Solo trust
INR 566/-
Ask us a single question to predict. No matter what it is about, your marriage, career, or job. But remember only one question. We will give you the answer within a day in a 10 - 15 min phone session.
Child Connection
INR 2116/-
We look into the horoscopes of both husband and wife and present possible timelines in which both can expect their special moment, birthing a child. A phone session lasts 15 - 20 mins.
Trio Test
INR 1366/-
Ask us three questions about your life. It will take us a week time to get back to you because we need to have a detailed observation and analysis to get our prediction right. We discuss for a 15 - 20 min phone session.
INR 4112/-
If you have gained enough trust in us or our predictions came true in your case, feel free to try this option, where we give a detailed analysis of how your future would promise in the next 4 years over a 30 - 45 min Zoom session
Match Making
INR 1666/-
We don't just see the overall points. Our specialty is to dive into the interested man and woman horoscopes and give a holistic prediction over a 20 - 25 min phone session.
Family Foreover
INR 10112/-
The astrological connection is similar to the genetic connection where the horoscope details are passed on to the children. We predict major events for a family of max. 4 based on their horoscope connections over a 1-hour Zoom session